Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Honest Forex Maestro Review

With every forex software launch there is a whole bunch of reviews who hype the product up even though they actually haven't used it. It's true, most of the reviews of Forex Maestro online have been written by people who haven't even tested the product thoroughly. My review is completely different, we got our hands on this software really early and have had plenty of time to run it through the wronger and what follows is our 100% honest review.


What is Forex Maestro?

Forex Maestro is the newest in the line of new forex trading robots. It is designed to function with the popular MetaTrader4 platform. It quite literally plugs into the platform and runs on 100% autopilot. All you have to do is make sure its doing ti job at the end of the week. The main benefit here is of course more free time. While Forex Maestro isn't the first, but is it the best...

Does Forex Maestro Work?

In their sales page they make it look very impressive, huge gains and almost zero losses are mentioned. Are these truly accurate results? As we stated above we had an opportunity to play with this software and the results were quite good. We weren't lucky enough to see such big gains as on the sales page they were certainly good enough to warrant keep using it. I feel it made the purchase well worth it.

Forex Maestro Pros and Cons

Almost all of the Forex Maestro reviews on the net outline the benefits but none of the problems. For me, the main con is also the main pro (stay with me). That is, the automatically functionality of it. This is a positive because you don't really have to look at the software as it will do all the work for you. However this can also be a hindrance because some people dont feel comfortable leaving that much up to software. Personally I like to keep an eye on my trades, by all means use the system to benefit your own trading strategies, but I wouldn't go on a 3 month holiday and leave it running.

Final Verdict

After extensive testing (unlike many other reviewers) we can definitely recommend the service. If you want to know our specific results and see more unbiased customer options just visit the full Forex Mastro Review.
Read our final verdict and even more unbiased Forex Maestro reviews, all you have to do is click here.

Forex Trading - A Beginner's Guide

Forex Trading appears to be a complicated activity at the first look. Any Trading/Trade involves Buy/Sell activities. Only difference being in what you sell or buy. So what do we sell or buy in Forex Trading? It is international currency. It involves buying and selling of currency pair.

It involves exchange of currencies and it happens in big scale because multi national companies are investing in nations across the globe. So it becomes inevitable to exchange currency in order to make Global investments to happen. we can buy/sell currency at the market price.

When you place an order you buy one currency and sell another. This becomes a Currency pair. Say,when you buy EUR/USD (Currency pair involving EUROS and US Dollar) you are selling US Dollars to buy Euros. When you sell EUR/USD you are selling Euros to buy US Dollars.

In simple terms you make profit when you sell currency at a price higher than the price at which you bought it. The exchange rate between two countries' currencies is important in Forex Trading and in turn exchange rate depends on the supply/demand for a particular currency in the International market. When the demand exceeds supply the value of the currency goes up and when the supply exceeds demand the value of the currency goes down.

How to do Forex Trading?

There are many Forex trading agencies available online where in you can open an account and do Forex Trading.

Common terminologies used in Forex trading.

Currency Pair

Example: EUR/USD - In this Euro is the BASE CURRENCY and US Dollar is the COUNTER CURRENCY. Price of EUR/USD will indicate the number of units of counter currency required to buy one unit of base currency.


Forex means Foreign Exchange( Exchange of one currency for another).

Limit Order

It is an order to execute a trade when the price of the order changes to the advantage of the trader.


'Percentage in Point' refers to the very last digit of a currency price. Forex quotes are in 4 decimal places(.0001). Price movements happen in units of.0001.

Risk Management Tips

1.Understand the Risk involved by making an online research.

2.Start with small Investment.

3.Open account with a reliable broker to avoid any trading mishaps.

4.A professional approach is required and don't take any emotional decisions.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Forex Automoney - Scam Or Legit Trading System?

With the growing popularity of Forex as a method of investment in the market, many trading systems & software programs have popped up promising quick gains & easy profits.  Although many of these systems are scams, fronts created with the sole purpose of taking your hard earned money & leaving you nothing to show for it, there are some which are legit, very profitable trading systems set up by experts in the field.  Today we have a look at one of the most popular Forex systems available, Forex AutoMoney, to determine whether it's just another scam or if this software delivers the easy profits it promises.

The Signals

Forex AutoMoney is a software which provides automatic signals that tell traders when to buy a currency & when to sell. The signals are delivered via email, text message, a pop up software or other via another method which the trader is able to put in place.  Forex Automoney offers several strategies(my personal favorite is the intraday strategy), when the signals are delivered depends on the trading strategy you've chosen to work with.  Remarkably, the signals are very simple to follow, even for new traders.  The software also provides trend charts for more advanced traders who are able to read such analysis.

Real Results Vs. Advertising

The website promises to send signals which indicate exactly when to buy/sell currencies in order to maximize profit potential, in reality this is not possible.  Profit can never actually be maximized due to the nature of the Forex market, there's always the possibility of more profit, a wider spread or a larger trade.  The website also states that "you can make $2,500 a week!" this statement is absolutely true, however the amount of money a trader can actually make using the system varies greatly on the initial investment.  For example, if a trader deposits $100 to start, it will be a long time before they can earn over two thousand dollars per week. On the other hand, if a trader makes an initial deposit of $10,000, then earning $2,500 per week based on the signals is very feasible and probable.

The key is to realize that while all sites advertise, they generally make it sound like getting rich quick is simple, when in reality there are strings attached. This doesn't take away from the real profit potential though, it just puts it in perspective.

Scam or Legit?

This trading system can help traders execute profitable trades based on their signals.  While it can be a money maker, a user has to have the right tools to be successful. Basic knowledge of the Forex market(following buy/sell signals), an account with a broker and an initial deposit are required in order to really earn from  Forex AutoMoney Based upon our individual review and the reviews of others in the Forex market, we've concluded that this system is legit, but only if the right tools are incorporated into the trading process.  To further solidify their position as a proven system, Forex Automoney has decided to allow traders to try their system for a trial period.  The reason for this trial is to allow traders to try their system, determine if the signals work for them and, if the trader is making money, they will get hooked on the system.

Now listen carefully, if you're ready to make real money in Forex, earning more pips than you ever imagined completely on autopilot, take 2 minutes to read the next page. Forex AutoMoney is offering their amazing automated trading services at a huge discount, you're gonna want to get in on this limited time offer!
If you're ready to make real money in Forex - Click Here

Why Start Trading Forex?

Are you new to forex trading? It is very simple. To start forex trading, we have to know what forex is. Forex trading means selling and buying different currencies of the world. The biggest and fastest growing market is the currency trading market. A forex deal is made when you buy and sell a currency at the same time. More than $2.5 trillion is the daily turnover. Just as goods are traded in markets, currencies are traded in forex trading market. The currencies of various countries are the "Goods" in forex markets. For example you can buy Japanese Yen with US Dollars or you can sell Euro for Canadian Dollars. It is as simple as trading one currency for another. Due to strict financial regulations individual traders were not allowed to do business in the forex market. Only from the year 1998 was forex trading made available for the public. Now the players in this market are institutional investors, central and commercial banks, hedge funds, corporations and private individuals

Forex quotes are the first thing you have to learn when you start trading. The quotes are always listed in pairs (e.g. AUD/CAD 101.2): the first listed currency is the base currency with a constant value of 1 unit; while the second currency listed is known as counter. If you are a forex novice, then it is worthwhile to play it safe. You should stick yourself to trading with only one currency pair. Once you get used to the system, try expanding your trading. You can be more risk-taking and adventurous. In the example given above, AUD/CAD 101.2 means a dollar of Australian dollar is equal to 101.2 Canadian dollars. That means, the quote shows the relative value of one currency when compared to the other. It implies that the value of AUD had been increased when AUD/CAD quote goes up.

Every quote has two sides, 'bidding' and 'asking'. The profit lies in the differences of 'bid & ask' price. For example JPY/USD 1.2433/1.2441; the 'bid' price is the price at which you sell the base currency; while the 'ask' price is where you buy the base currency. "Spread" is the difference of 'bid & ask'. In the example of JPY/USD 1.2433/1.2441, this means you can buy 1 Japanese Yen with 1.2441 USD or sell 1 Japanese Yen 1.2433. The US dollar, Euro, Canadian dollar, British pound, Japanese yen, Australian dollar, and Swiss Franc are the seven major currencies traded. The most traded currency is the US dollar. If you happen to live in one of these countries it is better to start trading in that currency. It is because you will be in a better position to analyze its strength. To conclude, forex trading is claimed as "The World's Most Powerful Home-based Business". New investors should take time to learn this skill well, attend seminars, do paper work, read books and practice everything with a demo account before you consider trading with your own money. Forex trading is a long term solid way to make money and good profits.

Was this useful or what?! Really, Forex, is one of the best ways to create a solid income. If you want to learn more about Forex and some great tools to automate the process, feel free to visit us at: ForexSystemReport I'm Lance Giroux. Forex system Report ™ Senior Advisor.

Is Forex a Scam? The Shocking Truth Will Surprise You

When considering the question "is Forex a scam" the first thing that comes to my mind is the old saying "Never invest in anything that you don't understand." Follow this advice and you are unlikely to fall victim to scams. Another saying worth consideration: "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is." A third thing to remember is that you should know your risk tolerance and investment goals. Are you comfortable with the idea of losing your money? When will you need this money? You might be more risk tolerant at 20 than you would be a few years from retirement.

Foreign Exchange trading, or Forex, is the trading in international currencies. Is Forex a scam? The currency markets are a large and liquid market, attracting speculative short term traders. International currency markets are risky and reliant on rumors, world news, and politics. Foreign Exchange markets have been described as a zero sum game. There is a fixed supply of currency on the world markets and for one person to make money on a Foreign Exchange market trade, someone else must lose money.

There are two types of traders in Forex; market makers are the large banks and investment houses, and retail Forex brokers are smaller players. Cash FX is the shorthand name of the commodities traded. Retail Forex brokers can be the subject of scams. Although the market is legitimate and regulated by laws such as the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, it is common for people to lose money more than they gain. Broker's commissions, and sales of software programs and information are more surefire ways money is made in the realm of Forex trading. So the answer to the question "Is Forex a scam?" might be yes, and it might be no.

Forex Avenger is one of the best all around programs to succeed in Forex. There is another review of the program here: Forex Avenger Review [] Or if you're still unsure about which Forex program is right for you, be sure to check out [] to find the Forex program that's right for you.